Cambridge Hotel Early Works
Client: DECC
Location: Riley Street, Surry Hills
Our involvement:
- Existing capping beam bearing pressure assessment
- Piling rig foundation certification.
Project Challenges:
The Cambridge Hotel early works involved the demolition and rebuild of an existing multistorey structure within a high-density area. The site is bound by multistorey developments potentially at risk of damage due to the construction works and potential undermining of the existing buildings. Access was tight and subsurface conditions needed to be reassessed prior to demolition to ensure works could be carried out as soon as possible with safety, and no structural damage caused to nearby developments and infrastructure.
Fortify Geotech’s Solutions:
Fortify Geotech conducted site inspections within hours of instruction including Dynamic Cone penetrometer (DCP) testing to assess existing ground conditions. A report was issued to the client swiftly following the site inspection as to not hold up works.
An inspection and proof roll of constructed piling rig platform was conducted later in the project for certification of ultimate bearing pressures.